Product Review: Annnarie Gianni

getawaykit_newThere seems to be a common theme amongst the skin care lines I’ve reviewed so far: a consumer learns about what is really in their skin care products, and upset by what they find, decide to start their own line based on quality, trustworthy ingredients. This is how Annmarie Gianni was started her own chemical free skin care line, revealing every ingredient in her products on the label. ” I wear my heart on my sleeve and my products do the same”, Annmarie says on her webpage, explaining why her products are different than others.

I first heard about Annmarie Gianni from Kris Carr, a big motivator in my current lifestyle (her book Crazy, Sexy Diet is what prompted me to become a vegetarian/vegan). When she offered a promotion on her blog in conjunction with Annmarie a year or so ago, I decided to try it out, ordering a sample kit for acne prone skin.  After using the samples, I decided to contact Annmarie recently to try another product.  They sent me their Getaway sample kit, offering miniature versions of their Aloe Herb Cleanser, Ayurvedic Scrub, Purifying Mud Mask, Dead Sea Facial Scrub, Neroli Toning Mist, Coconut Body Oil, Repair Serum and Herbal Facial Oil for Normal and Combination Skin. Lot’s of fun things to try!

My favorite product of the bunch is definitely the Dead Sea Facial Scrub – it smells great, and leaves my skin feeling polished and smooth. I also liked the Ayurvedic Scrub as well, so if you’re looking for a new scrub, either is a great choice.

Annmarie offers a variety of products for all skin care types and ages, and also have vegan options.  They now have sunscreen, which is great because finding a good natural, safe sunscreen is not always easy.  One of my favorite things about the company is probably that their products rank very low on the EWG skin deep database, meaning that the ingredients pose little to no health risks if applied to your skin.

The only negative I can give about Annmarie Gianni is the price.  As a college student, the cost of these products is not within my budget range.  The sample kits are a nice, cheap way to try out the line if you are interested, and the sample sizes are enough to use for 4-5 days I would estimate, except for the masks, which seem to provide enough to use once. However, I definitely believe that they are worth the money, and you’ll get the quality that you pay for.  Thus, I am certain that someday when I have more money to invest in my skincare, I would choose Annmarie Gianni.

Product Review: Just the Goods

I’m excited to start off the summer by talking about Just the Goods, an all-natural, Leaping Bunny and Campaign for Safe Cosmetics certified, vegan skin care line!  Milena, the creator of Just the Goods, was kind enough to send me samples from her acne prone skin care line, as well as a body butter.

About Just the Goods

After making natural skin care products for her friends and family, as well as selling her products at craft fairs and on Etsy, Milena turned Just the Goods into her career in 2013.  Her premise is natural skin care at affordable pricing, making clean and wholesome products like hers affordable to everyone. After browsing her website and watching the video I posted below, it is obvious how much time, deliberate thought, and effort goes into the creation of these products.


Prices for samples are as low as $2-3, and each sample container provides you with a substantial amount of product.  Full size 4-8 oz bottles for most items start at around $6, and are usually no more than $15.  Thus, even a college student like myself is able to purchase Milena’s products with little guilt. The sample size bottles Milena sent me have lasted me nearly a month, and the moisturizer and spot treatment look like I’ve hardly been using them! Thus, you get a long-lasting product for a small investment, which is definitely worth it. Although the shipping prices are slightly above average, it is clear that this is a necessary cost in order to keep the products affordable. Even with the price of shipping, you still get a quality product for less than you would something at Ulta or Sephora that claims to be natural, but is really filled with harsh chemicals.


Foaming Face wash

First off, I am in love with the smell of this entire line. I find that it is both energizing in the morning, and soothing at night, due to the combination of eucalyptus and lavender essential oils. Typically I wash my face after or during a shower in the morning, and again before bed to remove my make up. With a warm washcloth, I wipe of my makeup, and then use the face wash to remove any residue. Now that summer is here and it’s been more humid, I have also been using a small bit of the face wash to get rid of that sweaty, oily feeling when I’m not wearing any makeup.


At night, I apply the toner after I’ve washed my face. It removes any excess oil and leaves my face feeling soft and skin tighter. After washing, it makes my skin tingle for a couple of minutes, but it makes me feel like that means it’s working!

Spot Treatment and Moisturizer

Lastly, I apply moisturizer and spot treatment after the toner. I also only apply these at night, but occasionally have used the spot treatment during the day. It dries relatively quickly, and is clear so you can easily wear it under make up if you wanted to.  The moisturizer is thick to the touch, but smooths out nicely once you apply it. Rather than leaving your face feeling oily, it absorbs nicely. My boyfriend has been having dry skin on his face recently, and I told him to try the moisturizer, which has definitely made a difference in a few days.

Citrus Blend Body Butter

Another product with an amazing scent! This one is definitely more energizing, and you can still smell it long after you applied it on your skin. I am lucky enough to have already pretty soft skin that really only dries during the winter months, but after using the body butter makes it feel even softer. It absorbs relatively quickly, and keeps your skin moisturized for quite a while.

Final Thoughts


As a long-time sufferer of hormonal acne and scarring, I have been looking for a skin care line that minimizes my breakouts and also lightens my scars. After one night of using my Just the Goods products, I was shocked by the difference in my skin! A pimple on my chin was drastically smaller, and my skin seemed smoother and brighter. When using all four products together, I definitely see more results than on days when I am lazier and only use the face wash. I plan on adding the facial scrub to my skin care regimen next!

Coocoo for Coco(nut)

It’s hot.  It’s been hot for days, and it’s going to keep being hot.  (New York hot, I should add – not Arizona hot…so I shouldn’t really be complaining.) With the amount of rain we’ve had – enough to cause detrimental, home-destroying floods- you’d think that there’d be enough water to go around; however, my school is actually on a water conservation order because of a water main break.  Ironic timing.  The heat and humidity make it more important than ever to make sure you’re getting enough hydration to help keep a clear, healthy mind and body.  At this point, I feel like there is not enough time in the day or room in my stomach to drink as much water as my body feels like it needs.  This afternoon, I decided to go for some super-charged hydration with a coconut water, cucumber, and strawberry smoothie.

My cucumbers haven’t been put to good use this week, so I decided a smoothie would be a great way to eat them before they go bad; plus, they add even more water and hydrating benefits.  I’m on a strawberry kick it seems, so I decided to throw in 4 or 5 fresh strawberries as well.  Also, I feel like lately I’ve been so busy that I haven’t had as much time to prepare and eat as many fruits and vegetables as I would like to.  This smoothie also solved that problem, giving me a serving of fruit, vegetables, and some potassium from the coconut water.

Speaking of coconuts, I recently gave Greek Style coconut yogurt a try, vegan but not raw, and I was reminded of how much I love and miss yogurt.  However, after eating a Chobani yogurt at a friend’s house, I came to terms with the fact that my stomach has re-adjusted to disliking dairy – a good thing
in my book, because that means I’ve been doing a good job
at avoiding it.

coco-yogurt-greek-plainCoconut milk yogurt is a great alternative, but at Hannaford’s where I found it, it’s $2 for that small, single serving container.  It would cost me $14 a week to have one every day, and even if I only bought 3 it still doesn’t seem worth it for the amount you get.  I did my research, and discovered that Cultures for Health has a vegan yogurt starter for $8.99.  Each box comes with 8 packages of yogurt starter, and each package makes 1-2 quarts of yogurt.  I can make up to 16 quarts of yogurt for less than it would cost me to buy 7 small containers of So Delicious that would only last me a week!  Once my Excalibur dehydrator arrives (more about that once it gets here, but I’m excited for new recipes!), I plan on using that to incubate the yogurt.  Mix in some fruit, and it will be a home-made, vegan yogurt treat!  And one less thing to cheat with dairy for! (I need to start finding good raw ice cream recipes, that’s my only remaining weakness.

Stay posted for a blog on my dehydrator, product reviews, and yogurt making soon!


With a new week about to begin and a fridge devoid of fresh produce, it is time to start sorting through recipes.  Last week, I had a variety of ingredients on hand, and picked out some recipes the night before or morning of based on what I already had.  That worked fine, but there were quite a few times when I found myself short one crucial piece from completing a yummy looking recipe, and cursing my scattered trip to the grocery store the weekend before.  I’d also like to focus on diversifying my food choices, to ensure that I’m getting all of the nutrients that I need to be rawmazing and healthy.  I’ve been researching Raw supplements to help out with that, but I will talk about that in my next blog.



I was always under the impression that you pronounced it as it appears – chee-yuh – but I talked with somebody this weekend who called them key-yuh seeds.  Is there a right way?


This week, I’d like to experiment more with Chia seeds, especially in my morning meals.  Since I haven’t quite advanced to making myown Almond or Cashew milk yet, I’ll probably be soaking them in coconut water.  I read about somebody blending strawberries with coconut water to give the seeds a fruit infusion, which sounds like an easy alternative.   In Eat Raw, Eat Well by Douglas McNish, he combines apples, raw whole almonds, Almond milk (I’d use coconut water for now), chopped gingerroot, cinnamon in a food processor until a purée forms, but the almonds are still chunky.  Then, he mixes in apples, chia seeds, hemp seeds and salt, stirring and setting it aside so the Chia seeds can swell up.

Hemp Milk 

As I was continuing through Eat Raw, Eat Well, I saw his recipe for Hemp milk, which requires only 4 cups of water and 3 tbsp of raw shelled hemp seeds . Because the seeds are small and soft, straining them is not necessary; all you need to do is mix it in the blender, which I can definitely handle.  He also suggests a variation of adding 1/2 cup strawberries and 2 tsp cinnamon, which sounds like a nice mixture to soak those chia seeds in.

Green Smoothies

Hemp milk creates some new options in terms of breakfast smoothies, like the Eat Your Greens Smoothie also in Eat Raw, Eat Well: 1 cup hemp milk blended with 1/2 cup of kale and mango, 1/4 cup spinach or romaine and chopped parsley leaves, 1 banana, and 1 chopped pitted date.  It sounds like a sweet way to get some green energy into the morning!


Kale Salad

Since I don’t have a lot of time for both food prep and eating, I like to get my lunches ready in the morning, or plan quick and easy options.  Simple kale salads are my go to: kale, lemon juice, olive oil, sea salt, pepper, tomato, and maybe some seeds or dried berries.  I have the habit of finding a dish that is easy and that I like, and rarely going away from it, so I’d like to try a variation on a kale salad.  McNish describes one in which he mixes together kale, olive oil, 2 tsp lemon juice, 1 tsp cider vinegar, 1 tsp salt.  Then in a blender, combine  apple, celery, water, cashews, lemon juice, salt, vinegar.  Blend until creamy, and pour over salad along with the nuts, raisins and remaining apple. He calls it a Kale Waldorf Salad, and I like it because it brings in apples and celery for a nice crunch, and a different taste in using fruit.


Last week, I had Sprouted Quinoa Tabouli for lunch a couple days, and this quinoa salad looks like another great, fresh way to mix this grain into a fresh salad.  This is a cooked recipe, but we can always swap out sprouted quinoa to make it raw.  I don’t have any black beans on hand, so I will likely swap them out with some lentils, though I know it won’t have quite the same taste.


Veggie Noodles

kelp-noodlesIn my true repetitive-eating fashion, I had zucchini noodles for three of my dinners last week, twice with a sun-dried tomato sauce; although, one night I tried my own variation on the Rawtarian’s alfredo sauce recipe, omitting the pine nuts and thyme, since I didn’t have them.  I also added in some nutritional yeast for some cheesy flavor.  As a former cheese-lover, any vegan version of Mac and Cheese always draws my attention.  Laura-Jane also has a recipe on her site, and I plan on combining it with a recipe in Eat Raw, Eat Well that also includes tumeric, garlic, sweet potato noodles (in addition to zucchini noodles, interesting), and Almond Parmesan Cheese. Laura recommends kelp noodles, which are on my list of things to get in my kitchen.  I’ll have to try it both ways and see which noodles taste the best with the sauce.

Beans and Rice 

Usually, beans and rice are eaten when money is tight, but cauliflower rice and chick pea stew sounds like a filling, nutritious combo. The stew takes a little more prep because of soaking the beans, but a mixture of fresh and sun-dried tomatoes, carrot, cilantro, parsley, chopped onion, gingerroot, garlic, lemon juice, olive oil, curry powder, agave, cumin, sea salt, and cayenne sounds extremely flavorful. Also, cauliflower rice is easy to make – all you need is a food processor.   I made mine in my family’s Cuisinart when visiting home for the weekend because I don’t think my little 1 and 1/2 cup processor could handle it.  But, you can easily store it in the freezer, (not all in a one gallon bag like I did, or else you have to de-thaw a cauliflower rock…oops) and use whenever you want!  I mixed mine with a little lemon juice and olive oil, nutritional yeast, and Italian seasoning – yum!



Fruit isn’t always enough to satisfy my sweet tooth, so I like to have some kind of dessert in the fridge for after dinner.  I bought some raw honey that I’ve been wanting to use, and in Judita’s book Going Raw, I found a recipe for Honey-Almond Haystacks, which uses shredded coconut, almond butter, raw honey and vanilla for a macroon-like cookie.  It’s different from the sweets I made for last week, which involved a lot more nuts and cacao, so I’d like to lighten up on those so I have them for other recipes. I found a variation of it on the Rawtarian’s website that comes out like fudge, rather than cookies.


I made regular chickpea hummus last week, but I didn’t like the consistency of the soaked beans.  This week, I’m going to try out a zucchini hummus recipe from Eat Raw, Eat Well that uses many typical hummus spices e.g. garlic, salt, cumin, tahini, but uses zucchini in place of the chick peas.  It won’t have as much protein, but I am expecting it to have a smoother consistency.


Those recipes, in addition to a few others I didn’t include leave me with a relatively short list – from Aldis, this shouldn’t cost more than $25.  Hopefully, by only buying what I need for the recipes I’m planning, I won’t have any food waste or rotten veggies to sadly feed to the trash.